• Health & Body

    On Depression: A Wounded Healer

    [Guest Blog by Sonny Lemmons] – “I’m going to start you on this, at a low dosage, and I’d like to begin seeing you twice a week.” Wait – what? No. No! See, that’s not how this was supposed to turn out at all. Physician, Heal Thyself! It was my second semester of grad school. My degree was counseling based, so the university required students to sit in on one counseling session, as a patient, in order for us to begin to hone our listening skills. I figured I could just learn how to parrot the appropriate times when I’d need to nod my head, look concerned, or interlace my…

  • Faith,  Health & Body

    Suicide And Depression

    [Guest Post by Karen Neumair] – I like to run. Notice I didn’t call myself a runner, because that would imply that I am actually good at it. Me and my 13-minute mile–look out, world! Most people assume that I started running to lose weight, and I tend to let most people think that. Because the real reason is a lot less glamorous, a lot darker. I started running to beat depression. And not just your average, run-of-the-mill depressive episode that many of us experience from time to time, but the more sinister, dark-night-of-the-soul depression, the kind where you don’t remember to eat, you don’t have the strength to get…

  • Faith,  Health & Body

    On Depression: Everything Is Not Okay

    [Guest Post by Hannah Kingsley] – I have been through periods of life where every day has been characterized by some kind of anxiety. Sometimes it could be seen on the surface. And sometimes my anxiety brewed more dangerously beneath the surface. As a predominantly “happy” person, bouts of depression cause a conflict in my soul between the need to be authentic about my struggles and the desire to maintain a cheerful exterior. It can make asking for help all that much more difficult.  It is easy to assume that the happy, cheerful, strong person has no need of assistance and suffers no lows–but nothing could be further from the…

  • Health & Body

    On Anxiety: Why I'm Not Ready For Kids

    I’m not ready for kids because I have anxiety. I never thought I’d share this information publicly, but I never thought I’d be married and dealing with this problem privately. As some of you already may know, I was single for 12 years, 10 months, and 24 days. That’s a long time to forget about having children. Also long enough to realize I probably won’t have more than one or two kids when I do get married. I’m 30, so it’s not like I don’t time to figure out this kid business. I never realized my doctor would tell me I shouldn’t have kids. It’s not enough to know that…

  • Health & Body

    On Depression: A Broken Dream

    [Guest Post by Rachel Berry] – I certainly never thought a broken dream would end in depression. I had chased my dream of becoming Miss America for 7 years–and at the abrupt end of my journey, it wasn’t welcomed with warm memories and joyful reflections. I felt numb. And when I could feel, it was only fear, anxiety, and purposeless that saturated me. I competed in my first Miss America preliminary when I was a junior in college. I was reserved, self conscious, and carrying an extra fifteen pounds. I was excited to earn scholarship money, but what I really wanted was to win the preliminary title that would send me to…

  • Faith,  Health & Body

    On Anxiety: Celiac Disease

    [Guest Post by Casey] – At the age of 24, I had everything I wanted; and all of a sudden, none of it meant anything. I had just finished up my master’s degree, received a great job offer and moved in with my boyfriend of three years after dealing with long distance most of our relationship. If I wasn’t feeling anxious, I wasn’t feeling anything at all. I dreaded going out; I was snapping at loved ones and it took every ounce of discipline I had to drag myself out of bed. Nothing was fun anymore, including me. There was no Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I was straight up…

  • Health & Body

    On Anxiety: An Adulterous Relationship Breakup

    [Guest Post by Rebecca Halton] – Entangled in an adulterous relationship in my early 20s, I was no stranger to anxiety. I lost unhealthy amounts of weight and sleep.  I isolated myself, sequestered by secrecy and shame.  I was drowning under the weight of worry, fear, paranoia, shame and self-loathing. And even as a believer already, I felt too “disqualified,” too unworthy, to seek the One who I knew could rescue me. What then?  That’s when I started to “circle the wagons”– to rally people in my life for prayer and counsel. The concept isn’t mine, but I know it’s inspired by the defense mechanism of settlers pioneering the West.…

  • Health & Body

    On Depression: Okay, God Help Me!

    [Guest Post by Sharon Paavola] – Okay, God help me! You’re beckoning me to hand you my mental and emotional health. You want me to jump off the cliff from what I’ve known, the safety of the last 30 years of security in waking up every morning, swallowing my pills, and not thinking anything more about my stability. Now the rug has been pulled out.  The medications are totally changed and there is no going back. I fell apart and now we have to glue together the pieces but will they fit again? Or maybe they will fall into place better than before? I’m realizing that you want me to…

  • Faith,  On Writing

    Celebrating Change

    After eight years of blogging, I have had an epiphany. I like sharing other people’s stories. Even more than my own. Last year in a short time frame (April to December) I had over seventy-eight people share their story. That’s why I turned DevotionalDiva.com into an online magazine. For you and for those who have yet to share their story. New people energize me. Every time I get an email from someone, asking to share their story I get a jilt. My blood starts pumping–and I am truly alive. My missions statement is Hebrews 10:24. My desire is to spur you forward. Celebrating The Switch. I decided what better way…

  • Health & Body

    How To Cope When Anxiety Returns

    [Guest Post by Laura] – In the initial months after surviving a home invasion, which included rape and kidnapping, I expected anxiety. I learned to deal with the anxiety, to force myself to do things I didn’t want to do. At the time going to the shopping mall alone required conquering anxiety. Basically my entire life revolved around pushing through the anxiety and learning to live without fear. Almost three years later I felt like myself again. Not much anxiety. I’d been able to conquer several anxiety-inducing life situations–staying alone overnight, living in a foreign country, traveling to new places. Plus, I was headed home to the States for nine…