Devotional Diva is Not Inactive!
What’s up divas? Happy Sunday.
I just got back from a beautiful long road trip vacation with my family and I’m catching up on lots of things. I have a ton of things going on in my life right now — even more than usual.
And if you followed me for very long at all, you know how dramatic my little military life can be. There’s always something, right? Murphy’s Law.
I’m still having health struggles, and it’s just a constant matter of doctors appointments, keeping up with treatments like physical therapy and regular testing. I don’t wanna complain too much about it. I live in a lot of pain due to nerve problems and that’s why I’m up at 3 AM right now writing! It can be debilitating, but slowly and surely I am learning how to make all of the rest of the pieces of my life fit into a healthy way to cope with chronic pain.
And to be honest, when the house is quiet and it’s just me with my fur babies, cuddling on the couch in the dark…that’s when I am able to rest my brain and be creative. I can hear my voice so much more clearly at these times.
And even though I’m really only awake because of discomfort… it’s almost a blessing to have this time.
As I said, ive got a lot going on in my life and that really does put a damper on creativity. That’s why I’m taking advantage of this little moment to write you a short Sunday message.
Devotional Diva is not inactive. I just don’t have a cookie cutter schedule of content anymore. It doesn’t fit my life right now.
I wanted to write today and remind you all that just going to any day, you’ll get the latest post but ALSO a randomized devotional at the top of the page.
We have 15 years of content on Devotional Diva. Seriously. Women all over the world have contributed to Devotional Diva and shared their testimonies.
There is so much encouragement that already exist on Devotional Diva. The Lord still inspires me to work this ministry, and so I shall.
I encourage you, when you’re in need of encouragement, come on into and read a random devotional. You never know what inspiring message God might lead you to.
I am still open to publishing book reviews, excerpts, and of course guest stories. Just not on as frequent of a basis or with any particular theme right now.
If you feel that you want to share your story on Devotional Diva, please please please contact me.