Beauty Saturday: Jessica

beauty saturday on devotional diva

[Guest post by Kimberly Asia Hall: Beauty Saturday is a new weekly feature that gives a little different take on “women sharing their stories.”]

Client name: Jessica

Location: Charlotte, NC

Event: Evening party

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Business owner

I met Jessica during my time as an artist at MAC Cosmetics in Columbia, SC (Belk-Columbiana Centre). She owned a store not too far down from where the MAC counter was located. She always exuded such confidence and energy that was tranquilizing. I often wondered where so much strength and joy resided in such an overwhelmed business woman.

Meeting Jessica reminded me of the scripture that states,

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” – 1 Thessalonians 3:9 (NIV).

Jessica had such a profound joy because she was secure in God. Her joy was not contingent upon her surroundings but it was found upon in the presence of the Lord.

Remember Jessica today when you feel yourself losing your joy. Joy is not dependent upon your circumstances or surroundings, joy is knowing God and knowing that He is a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him.

Kimberly Asia HallKimberly “Asia” Hall is Devotional Diva’s resident “Beauty Diva,” a makeup artist employed by Eastern TV/Vh1 and the owner of her own freelance makeup artist business, ASIA LA’ KITTY GLAMOUR LLC. A pastor’s daughter, Asia says, “Artistry is my ministry.” She currently resides in Atlanta, GA. Find her on social media: Instagram: Twitter: @asia_la_kitty


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