Pursue A Dream

pursue a dream

[Guest Post by Alexandrea J. Wilson. When I met Alexandrea through social media I wasn’t expecting to find such a warm-hearted person. She seriously exudes (is that a word?) self-confidence and passion (my kind of girl). I hope you’ll welcome her once again as she shares about which dream to pursue.]

I have a confession. Sometimes I can feel really lost.

I mean totally and completely lost.

Not the lost where you need to turn on the GPS to find out how to get where you’re going. I mean the lost where I have so many passions, so many ideas, so many questions, so many desires that I don’t know where to go.

I’m currently in my final year of graduate school-not exactly on the schedule I originally planned but on the schedule I planned after plan A, B, C, and D fell apart.

As my years of being a student are coming to an end, I found myself doubting every choice to get me to this point.

I didn’t expect to feel like I made a mistake with my degree.

I didn’t expect to start to truly wonder, “do I really want to be a counselor for the rest of my life? Or even for the next few years-and that’s it?”

I started to panic because those were questions I was really not prepared to ask myself and was very afraid to answer.

I mean, I’m in my final year of GRAD school–you don’t exactly quit what you thought you loved to pursue something else. So I continued my course work like normal and figured the thoughts would go away, but they didn’t.

Things actually got worse.

So I prayed. I prayed for God to show me what my passions were, help me choose a path, give me comfort and peace as to what I should be doing. To help me identify my dreams because–to be honest–I wasn’t even sure I knew what they were.

I wasn’t sure which dreams I was inheriting from others and which dreams were my own.

So I reached out to people for encouragement.

I cried (a lot).

I totally ate a lot of chocolate (it’s my coping mechanism).

I wrote.

I prayed, and then I cried some more.

How can I pursue a dream when I don’t even know WHICH dream to pursue?

And then finally in a conversation with some very wise and strong women, I learned something: Pursue them all.

Experience is our greatest teacher and it is only when I begin to experiment with my dreams will I know which dreams to pursue.


Take classes in certain topics.

Talk to people who are in the same career path.

Get out there and look at all the options.

It’s okay.

We all have various passions, and it’s okay to have them.

Cultivate all of your desires. If you’re a stay at home mom who is in love with homemaking and your family but you also love to write and want to see if you can do that professionally–take a writing class, start a blog! Do it!

If you’re a nursing home administrator who also loves theater–take an acting class or try out for the community theater.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box, and do not be afraid to pursue the things that interest you.

Even if no one understands your interests.

Even if you feel it in your gut.

It takes courage to pursue your passions. To believe in your inner voice and trust in God’s ability to provide the wisdom and strength to listen to Him, and do what He asks. Trust Him. He will surely give you all the tools you need to be able to find how He wants to use you.

May you find peace and happiness you pursue a dream.

Alexandrea J. Wilson is the Director of The Mt. Ephraim Center, an online Christian ministry that focuses on helping people create the family and life they love.
Her passions include encouraging others and constantly talking with God about the future He has planned for her! You can find her blog at www.TMECenter.org, her facebook page at www.facebook.com/TMECenter and chat with her on Twitter at twitter.com/ajwilson412

[Picture: nicole.pierece.photography, Creative Commons]