The Promise and Puctuality of Easter
Resurrection Sunday reminds me that God is not only a promise keeper but is perfectly punctual in His sovereign timeline over history and my own story. Keeping a promise years ago may have looked like a pinky swear when we were little girls or even keeping a secret told to us on the middle school playground. Today, my three-year-old daughter promises me on a nightly basis that she will stay in bed after I put her down… but I know better! Her promise-making is on point, but she has not yet perfected her promise-keeping skills! As a woman who follows Christ, I must place unwavering trust in my promise-keeping God…
Remember Me
“Drink this… and remember me.” Jesus’ eyes brimmed with tears as he extended the cuptowards John. It trembled in his hand. A drop spilled down the side. Oh don’t worry, we won’t! Especially me. I’m your best friend! Or what about Peter? 2000 years later, a pastor raises his grape juice and says with a smile, “Today we rememberJesus…” But I do, Jesus. It’s been my focus all year long. I’ll admit, I’ve skipped prayer or bible study a few times. I’ve been far from perfect. But I remembered, didn’t I? Who could forget? John was there when the earth shook violently in a cry of grief as its Maker…
The Cleansing of Easter
Editor’s note: This is the first story in our Easter devotional series. Enjoy! One Easter holiday, the message of Jesus’ cleansing power was clearly put on my heart. My youngest daughter was two years old at the time, and my girls and I were excitedly coloring Easter eggs for our family Easter egg hunt the following day. Suddenly, I noticed an egg dye tablet was missing from the package. Where was it? Sophia? Everyone has one child that is more likely than the others to find and make mischief; Sophia is mine. I opened her mouth, squeezed her adorable chubby cheeks and found yep, a yellow mouth! Sophia…
Looking for EASTER submissions!
Happy New Year, Divas! I’m opening up submissions again, and I want to make sure we have plenty of time to organize a great new series for EASTER! I’ve never done an Easter series here on Devotional Diva, simply because I didn’t feel led to. This year, I do. Easter is the most holy holiday and I want to honor it this year with a series of devotionals leading up to Easter. I’m hoping I can get the series started around-ish Ash Wednesday. As it’s my first year doing this, and I’m not sure how much interest I’ll have with submissions, I’m going to play it by ear 🙂 I…
A Holiday Dream 4 Years in the Making
Spring 2016 It was a few weeks before my husband was leaving yet again on his Navy ship. We left our one-year-old son with friends and went on a wine-tasting trip and had so much fun. So much fun that it made me sad. I’m sorry to my more conservative Divas but I had a little too much wine, and emotions were hitting me hard. I wanted this all the time. Why did he have to be gone so much? I wondered. Why did I have to experience Italy without him? It was a lonely existence. I wanted to go home, I cried. I didn’t want to be in Italy…
The Cold Winter Warmth
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by veteran Diva Ann Grace. This is a beautiful story and great reminder to take into the New Year! The holiday’s always seem to bring a sense of warmth in me. The day after Thanksgiving literally births some sort of fire to prepare for the Christmas season. Some of the holiday’s anticipated highlights include the endless classic Christmas movies while sipping on some yummy Mexican hot cocoa. And it has to be hot because if not, the marshmallows don’t melt as well. But this year will be different, I’m sure. Many of us are wondering if there will even be a “Christmas”? The…
3 Ways to Get Your Christmas Joy Back – Diva Christmas 2020
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Juliana Gordon. Welcome, Juliana! Readers, I hope if you’re feeling a funk this year, this devotional can be an encouragement! Have you ever been in a shop that sells Christmas decorations year-round? Or heard of households that left up a tree – on purpose – for most of the year? I know people like that, who live for December! They have boxes of decorations, special Christmas dishes, and even an assortment of holiday sweaters to wear throughout the season. They cannot get enough of the festive music, Christmas traditions, and holiday movies. I used to be like that. Then 20 years or…
Mixed Emotions for Christmas – Diva Christmas 2020
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story from Brittney Smith. If you’re feeling mixed emotions for Christmas, this is the story for you! I remember when all I felt around the holiday was joy. That simplicity ended in early childhood after my parents announced their intentions to divorce in November 1997. Then, I quickly learned what dreary Christmases were like. They’re like snow on a cloudy day. The wonder of a miracle and the gloom of an overcast all at once. As time went on, my family and I experienced the loss of loved ones around the holidays as well. Seasonal depression crept in myself or those around me. When…
A Different Christmas – Diva Christmas 2020
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by our friend here at Devotional Diva, June Titus! June has pulled out a great message this year for Christmas. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 Christmas this year may be a little different from what we are used to. With “social distancing,” limited air travel, and general disruption in our country, we may have to re-invent Christmas. Churches have no plans for the usual dramas and musical programs, and the cities have canceled their parades and iconic festivities. It’s like Christmas has been stolen from…
An Encounter – Devotional Diva Christmas 2020
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by veteran Diva author Sheila Lloyd. Sheila submitted this story last year, pre-COVID. It didn’t end up making it in last year’s series, but I’m so glad to use it this year to kick off our 2020 Diva Christmas series! Thanks, Sheila! How many times in the hustle and bustle of this crazy world do we have an opportunity to see purity? When do we truly have a moment to engage in genuine human kindness and interaction? These are questions I reflected upon after an encounter yesterday on Black Friday. (Side note: why in the world do we call it black Friday?! To…