Choose Love + Giveaway!
I was thrilled when I was contacted to review Stormie Omartian’s new book Choose Love because she was one of the first Christian writers I ever read. The title also caught my attention. As a Christian living in this 2014 world, I often think about love (or lack thereof). To me, love is the most important “thing” to have, experience and give. Choose Love is broken down into three choices: 1. Choose to Receive God’s Love for You: Stormie writes, “Many people don’t really know God, so they don’t know His love. They know what good, bad, or erroneous things people have told them about God, but they don’t know…
The 3 People You Need to Meet
[Maggie is on vacation so I thought I’d jump on and encourage you all with the three people you need to meet to achieve your dreams. My newest book, Dream Devotional, just released this month. Pick up a copy on Amazon for only $2.99!] Dreaming together is important because we are designed, commanded, and encouraged into a loving relationship with God and each other. I’ll never forget the day I was sitting at the front desk as the office receptionist when a woman walked in for an interview. She thought I was pregnant–say what??–and asked me when I was due. I was completely shocked and mortified. She felt really bad too…
When Christians Are Hurt: Share Your Story!
I have been hurt. You have been hurt. We’ve all been hurt. But how do you respond to hurt in a Christian way? If you identify as a Christian, you believe in the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus. One of the verses I always associate with Jesus is this one: Matthew 5:38-40 “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken…
Celebrating My Next Chapter {Literally}
I, Renee Fisher, asked Maggie if I could share my exciting news with you all today! Don’t worry, she’ll be back next week to continue her journey here on DevotionalDiva.com. Today I am celebrating my next chapter {literally}. Today is my 32nd birthday and I have three B-I-G news to share! First, I am officially no longer working with MacGregor Literary Agency. That means I am going it alone without my amazing agent, Amanda Luedeke. I decided it was time for me to write my next chapter {literally} as a self published author. I enjoy the creative process so much, and can’t wait to see where God may lead. Plus, if publishers…
Dream Devotional Releases Today!
Dream Devotional Releases Today! Dream Devotional is a 40 day devotional of hope for people who have fallen on hard times. I dedicated it to all the dreamers. I can’t wait to go through it with you all over the 40 days. I will be sharing a daily picture quote on social media. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to stay connected! You can get your copy of Dream Devotional for only $3.99 on Amazon here. I find it interesting that I’m not the only one writing about my own frustrations about dreams coming {or not} coming true. Recently, singer and songwriter Phil Wickham wrote about losing his voice…
New Book: Dream Devotional Releases Easter
I am excited to release Dream Devotional, my fifth book, on Easter! My story of hope. (No, this is not an April Fool’s joke)! There are many reasons why I choose not to share about writing this book until it was releasing. I loathe the fact that a traditionally published book can take up to two years to release, and instead of letting you know what I am doing every step of the way — only to have lost your attention by the time the book is released, I wanted to keep it a surprise! Surprise! I needed to write Dream Devotional for me first. When I wrote that my…
Top 100 Christian Women Blogs
I (Renee Fisher) am proud to say that after 5 years of blogging at Devotional Diva, I have gone viral! And you know the best part? It wasn’t a post about me! It was the Top 10 Blogs for Christian Women. Ever since I posted it, I have seen the amount of people searching my site double, triple, and quadruple! I still get emails from women saying “thank you” for introducing me so such amazing women, and because of that I have decided to make a Top 100 Christian Women Blogs post! I don’t know if you know this, but I also decided to dedicate DevotionalDiva.com to guest posters only!…
Walking the Plank
Transition throws me for a loop every time – silly, of course. We all know that the only constant in life is change. But somehow my longing for comfort and control gets me to settle into a place with a deep, satisfying sigh. Close my eyes. Take a break from watchfulness. Then everything tips and I find myself rolling sideways, stumbling down a new ramp of transition. Looking for a new normal. Some transitions are instantaneous. In 2003 my husband collapsed on his favorite street in San Diego, Shelter Island Drive, just outside the bank. From that moment on, he never drove his truck, never wrote a check, dialed a…
10 Tips for Blogging + Giveaway
It’s hard to believe 2014 marks my 10th year of blogging. I am celebrating by doing a blogiversary giveaway! Apparently you give tin for a 10 year anniversary. I found a cute set of tin tea lights & tin/glass holders on Etsy (pictured above). Leave a comment to win. A winner will be chosen at random on January 8. I also wanted to share 10 tips for blogging that I learned the past ten years of blogging on three different platforms: Xanga, Blogspot, and WordPress. Be encouraged! 1. Accidental Author – I didn’t set out to become a writer or dream of the day I’d make a living as an author. I…
3 Reasons to Share Your Story
Recently I shared my story about why my dream died. I already wrote that I can’t sugar coat things anymore. And now? The gloves are off. “What kind of God would stand back and watch a dream–a good dream, for ministry and impact–fall apart?” That’s what I just read in Me, Myself, and Bob by Phil Vischer (the creator of VeggieTales®). I devoured his 80,000 word memoir in less than half a day. Seriously couldn’t have come at a better time. (Thanks Brett Burner for the recommendation). Phil continues. “Why would God want us to let go of our dreams? Because anything I am unwilling to let go of is an…