10 Tips for Blogging + Giveaway
It’s hard to believe 2014 marks my 10th year of blogging. I am celebrating by doing a blogiversary giveaway!
Apparently you give tin for a 10 year anniversary. I found a cute set of tin tea lights & tin/glass holders on Etsy (pictured above). Leave a comment to win. A winner will be chosen at random on January 8.
I also wanted to share 10 tips for blogging that I learned the past ten years of blogging on three different platforms: Xanga, Blogspot, and WordPress. Be encouraged!
1. Accidental Author – I didn’t set out to become a writer or dream of the day I’d make a living as an author. I actually wanted to teach high school math. I’m so glad I obeyed God’s nudging into writing because it turned out to be something I love.
Question: What is your number one passion?
2. Spur Others Forward – My number one passion is encouraging others through writing (1 Corinthians 14:24-25, Hebrews 10:24).
Question: What is your missions statement?
3. Publish His Deeds – The moment I believe writing is for me or to bring me more name recognition — I am humbled (and reminded) that I write because of what Jesus has done for me (Psalm 96:3).
Question: Why do you write?
4. Suffer With Those Who Suffer – One of the fruits of the Spirit is long-suffering (Galatians 5:22, NKJV). It’s easy to follow those who have everything going for them, but a real friend is one who can stick close during the hard times. I write for them!
Question: Who do you write for?
5. Writing Is Worth It – If you’re looking for a wider audience to reach others with your writings I urge you to find a writing mentor, get into a writing critique group, and attend multiple writers conferences. If you feel writing should be your business/calling/whatever then it’s worth making the investment. I spent a couple thousand dollars to rebrand myself, which helped to catch the eye of my first publisher, NavPress.
Question: How much can you invest in your writing career?
6. Pay Your Dues – You may feel compelled to write on a certain subject, mainly your story, but to make it in the writing business you’ve got to be versatile. Pay your dues so one day you can write about what really matters to you! I feel like I am finally able to write on subjects that matter to me personally (and that’s after four published books).
Question: What subject matters to you most and why?
7. Choose Family & Friends First – Build your audience with your friends and family first. Don’t be afraid to ask for their feedback before you publish something. I still remember emailing my devotionals to my family and friends before I learned how to blog!
Question: Who are your closest family and friends, and how can they help you pursue your dreams?
8. Never Surrender – I can personally attest to the fact that writing is one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had. Writing my first book put me in the hospital with panic attacks. I continue to write because of the things God teaches me in every day life, and because I’d die inside if I couldn’t express those Truths that transform not only my life, but for others as well.
Question: What is most difficult about writing for you, and how can you ask others to pray for you through it?
9. Write For Yourself — When I recently took some time off from writing I was able to rediscover my love for writing. It was so nice to write for me and only me. Writing (like running) gives me time to think. Writing is one of my favorite ways to process, and no matter if I publish another article or book again — I will always write for me!
Question: When was the last time you took time to write for you?
10. Be Vulnerable — There is a time and a place to share intimate details of trials and temptations. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share from the heart. Don’t be afraid to wait to share these details until the time is right. It took me many years to talk about sexual harassment and my struggle with anxiety/mental health.
Question: What do you struggle with the most, and how can you share vulnerably to encourage others?
[Photo: OpenVintageShutters, Etsy]