Celebrating Change

After eight years of blogging, I have had an epiphany.

I like sharing other people’s stories.
Even more than my own.

Last year in a short time frame (April to December) I had over seventy-eight people share their story.

That’s why I turned DevotionalDiva.com into an online magazine.
For you and for those who have yet to share their story.

New people energize me.

Every time I get an email from someone, asking to share their story I get a jilt. My blood starts pumping–and I am truly alive. My missions statement is Hebrews 10:24. My desire is to spur you forward.

Celebrating The Switch.

book giveaway

I decided what better way to celebrate the switch from a plain ole’ blog to an online magazine is to giveaway the books of authors who have become my friends and those I truly admire.

I’m giving away 24 books.

All you have to email me at renee [at] devotionaldiva [dot] com and tell me which one you want. I’ll mail it to you for free, all you have to do is pay for postage. Media Mail is about $3. Out of each person who emails me I’ll assign a number and two lucky people will win: NICHOLAS SPARKS and CHUCK NORRIS AUTOGRAPH.

Sound fair?

I couldn’t think of any better way to celebrate!

Books I’m Giving Away

1. True Woman 101, Divine Design by Mary A. Kassian & Nancy Leigh DeMoss (3 copies)
2. 31 Days to a Happy Husband by Arlene Pellicane
3. LOL With God by Pam Farrell & Dawn Wilson
4. She’s Got Issues by Nicole Unice
5. A Year of Bind Dates by Megan Carson
6. More Than Enchanting by Jo Saxton
7. The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner
8. Angry Conversations With God by Susan E. Isaacs
9. The Circle Maker (book and DVD) by Mark Batterson
10. Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos
11. Night of the Living Dead by Matt Mikalatos
12. mY Generation by Josh Riebock
13. Heroes and Monsters by Josh Riebock
14. Wrecked by Jeff Goins
15. The Sacred Search (including The Couples Conversation Guide) by Gary Thomas (2 copies each)
16. The Church of Facebook by Jesse Rice
17. Coffeehouse Theology by Ed Cyzewski
18. We Can’t Go Home Again by Max Dubinsky
19. Why Holiness Matters by Tyler Braun
20. The Anxious Christian by Rhett Smith
21. Real: Owning Your Christian Faith by Dan Darling (still available)
22. The Story Of Your Life by Matthew West & Angela Thomas (still available)
23. Walking With God by John Ortberg
24. Survival Guide for Young Women by Holly Wagner & Nicole Reyes

Want to
WRITE for DevotionalDiva.com?

I encourage you to jump on the new Devotional Diva online magazine and check it out today! If you would like to share your story please click here.

Want to ADVERTISE on DevotionalDiva.com?

If you would like to ADVERTISE on my blog, I have three spots (350×250) on a monthly basis (very reasonably priced). Please send me an email if you’re interested.