Gratitude for Daily Blessings
[Guest post by Jo Ann Erwin: Jo Ann sent me two samples from her “Daily Blessings” writings, but I was very partial to this one due to my pet-loving nature. I thought the message of gratitude was perfect to leave off with just before Thanksgiving here in the US. There will be no Saturday post, and now Devotional Diva is officially on Thanksgiving break! New posts will resume on December 2nd.]
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength. O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!
1 Chronicles 29:11-13
Today, I was putting out treats for my cat, Moma Kitty, and my dog, Molly, as I do every morning on my way out the door. As I was reaching into the bag of cat treats, I looked down at Moma Kitty, who was waiting patiently and expectantly, with big eyes that are watching my every move.
I say to her “Here’s your treat, Moma, for doing absolutely nothing!”
I say that because I give Molly a treat when she goes outside on her leash and takes care of her business like the good dog that she is. I am thankful that she waits for her “outside” time and doesn’t use the rugs as her toilet.
So Molly gets a treat for being house trained and obeying her alpha, but now the cat is a whole ‘nother story. Cats aren’t house trained; cats can pee and poop at will, with the litter box always ready, and she still gets a treat every time Molly does, with no effort on her own part.
She just exists and still gets the blessing.
So… as I was putting the treats into the cat’s dish, telling her how blessed she is for this treat that she made no effort in earning, it hit me…this is just what God does with me.
I am going about my everyday life, working my routine, going to the office to earn money so I can buy these treats for my animals, and blessings are just falling into my lap when I did absolutely nothing to deserve them.
And I know where they are coming from — I give Him the glory.
Just as Moma Kitty was purring and content knowing that the treat was coming out of my hand and into her dish, I smiled and my eyes were opened to the revelation that my treats will come from the hand of God — just because — for no other reason but to show his love for me.
Now doesn’t that make for a great day!!??
Jo Ann Erwin lives in Paris, TN and has raised two college graduates, Melanie and Matthew. She is also mom to one precious poodle-mix named Molly and one high-maintenance cat named Moma Kitty. Jo Ann volunteers for the local homeless shelter and has for the past 15 years, fully believing that we are all equal in God’s eyes and we all deserve chances through-out our lives to make things right.
photo credit: Ron Cogswell via photopin cc