Spiritual Fitness

spiritual-fitnessHappy Valentine’s Day, Divas!

Are you ready for Lent? No? Yeah, I can’t believe it’s almost here either (Feb. 18th!!)!

I really enjoy going through devotionals during the whole year, but especially during Lent. I was contacted by the ladies at Vaulter Fit, a fitness blog, about their new Lent devotional Spiritual Fitness.

It is described as “a journey to strengthen body and soul.”

I went through it, and really enjoyed it. The devotionals are spot-on and the included workouts for each day make it cool and different.

I want to be really upfront about this: the links in this post for Spiritual Fitness are referral links. If you were to purchase via that link, I would make a commission. I’d never recommend something I didn’t personally go through and truly enjoy. I also received my copy free of charge. Keeping your guys’ trust is important to me.

So more about the devotional: It’s 40 days and $10.

You can download the first day for free to check it out and make sure it’s something you’re interested in. Each day has a coordinating workout (although some days are rest days). I haven’t personally tried the workouts. Even though I want to (because I do really love to workout), they’re a little bit much for this 6-month pregnant lady right now. You get an exercise guide (which is VERY helpful) and a nutritional tips guide included with your purchase of the devotional, too.

I didn’t know what to expect with the devotionals, but I was pleasantly surprised. They’re really well-written and thought-provoking. That’s what I really like in devotionals.

If you decide to purchase Spiritual Fitness as your Lent devotional, I really hope you enjoy it as well.


photo credit: 35/365 – WEEEEEEEE via photopin (license)