Fear’s Threats and God’s Voice
Fear’s Threats and God’s Voice
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Maria of A Woman Named Free. The first part of this powerful blog post is the voice of fear, or the enemy, and the second is the voice of our Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for sharing this, Maria!]
Oh Darling, don’t get too comfortable with peace because you remember what I’ve told you about peace. Peace is nothing but an illusion, a dirty trick for the gut-wrenching tragedy that is to come.
Don’t worry, I have you safe wrapped in a warm blanket of anxiety. Let me properly introduce myself…my name is Fear. We first met many years ago when you were a wee little girl. You were easy to get to know but I was still cautious. People don’t often take to me kindly, they think I’m a little aggressive and come on too strong, so I’ve learned to take it slow (I wouldn’t want you running away from me, now would I?). As you grew into a young woman, you often couldn’t stop thinking about me. I must have made quite an impression on you.
Don’t be too embarrassed, most people are the same … they just can’t get enough of me. I became your addiction. You love me, you desire me, you need me. I have never left or forsaken you. You can always come running and I’ll always be here. You’re too far in it with me now, aren’t you?
I tricked you into believing I was safe and you actually believed it. Years of our subtle dating and WHAM a devastating tragedy and I knew I had you good. It was cute how you called out to God and let Him comfort you during that time. You tried, you really did but you just couldn’t forget me, could you? I warned you, most people can’t get enough of me. You began to crave me again and all it took was a little hint of doubt … “what if”.
Honey, you are too easy to make doubt the goodness of God. I stole your logic and reasoning and now you are mine. I’m not letting go of you.
“YOU’RE MINE!”, he calls out. A disruption from the torment. She recognizes this voice but has little familiarity with it.
He reminds her, he told her he would bestow a crown of beauty instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:3).
He reminds her he told her she would rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated (Isaiah 61:4). She remembers and he speaks.
Child, you are mine and you are living in a ruined city named Fear. You don’t belong there. Fear has gripped you for far too long and fear wants you to believe there is no way out.
I’m your way out, my Child (John 10:10). It’s time to take your thoughts captive and call them for what they are … fear (2 Corinthians 10:5) and trust me to see you through. Did the bleeding woman not get full healing from just a touch of my robe (Mark 5)? Child, then trust me to heal your mind. My robe is my word and my Holy Spirit living in you (Mark 1:7) and you have it, come touch. Don’t fall into the trap that you can do anything to fix this because you are in a bit of a tangled mess. I want you to sit and let me untangle you and I will lead you out to freedom.
Remember, my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Fear will silence if you are willing to do different and leave this ruined city. I love you, Child and you are mine. I’ve already walked this journey before you and I’ll also walk behind you (Deuteronomy 31:8).
You are protected by me, even in the pain. There are no measures I wouldn’t take to protect you, my sweet Child. My nail scarred hands are proof that I’ve already gone the distance for YOU and I would do it again (John 15:13). Come, touch my robe, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.
Micah 7:8