Samobor Carnival

Samobor Carnival

Samobor Carnival

The town of Samobor in Croatia is one of the best places in Croatia to celebrate carnival, so we went to Samobor Carnival to check it out this weekend! Every year, the town is taken over by Prince Fasnik and turned into the Free Republic of Fasnik for ten days of revelry. At the end, they charge Prince Fasnik for all the bad things that happened in the previous year and burn him (a puppet)! Then, lent begins. We had a great time. It was a really cool experience I know I’ll treasure forever!

See Croatia Full of Life for more on Samobor and the ancient lore. 

P.S. The theme this year was “western” — that will account for all the cowboy stuff!

The daytime is for families, so that’s when we spent most of our time 🙂 O found a balloon stand.
He picked out the purple Olaf and gave him a big kiss!
There were lots of food and craft stands, and also mask and wig stands in case you forgot your costume! We chose not dress up. Most people were not “masked!”
The main stage had shows all day — this was a Croatian stand up show. The only thing we understood was something about the movie “Frozen!”
O’s first cotton candy