I've been doing a lot of running to God, a lot of praying, a lot of listening for the Holy Spirit's whispers. And there's been a lot of people in real life that have made a difference for me, too. A breakthrough.
How I Plan + Blog Planning
How I Plan + Blog Planning Tips In today’s lifestyle post, I thought I’d share my current planner set-up with you and some blog planning tips. I thought it might be interesting, since I know there are quite a few planner enthusiasts out there! I’m currently using an A5 Aqua Patent Domino Filofax and Month on 2 Pages inserts from the Etsy shop DearPlanner. In February, I will be using stickers from the Etsy shop MareBareCrafts — these little dewdrops are a lot smaller than the Martha Stewart comparables but are very similar and actually removable, too. My system for blog planning is fairly streamlined at this point. I have to…
July #littledivathings
Today, I’d like to share with you some of the #littledivathings I’ve been loving! These are just some of the things that have been especially useful/awesome to me this month. Disclaimer: I received a copy of Worry-Free Living. I tried to find links for things, and some are affiliate links.
German & French Food Highlights
As I was going through all of my photos from my trips to France and Germany, I noticed I took a lot of photos of what I ate. Like, way too many too include them in the original Devotional Diva posts that I did about the trips. So, I decided to save them and do a post to include my favorite food photos! Hopefully this is at least interesting for all of the foodie Divas.
A Rainy Day of #littledivathings