What Easter Means to Me
“Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
Luke 5:15-16
I love a low-key Easter. I’m all about spending the day at home, opening baskets, doing an egg hunt indoors right away, and tuning into a service on livestream…in pajamas.
Maybe we’ll have quick cinnamon rolls or monkey bread — when I was little my mom always made us little sausages for breakfast on Easter.
We’ll get dressed eventually, and play with our new Easter stuff. Maybe get the kids dressed up cute for some pictures.
But we spend the day together at home, relaxing and reflecting on the great gift we have been given: forgiveness.
I cherish this time. I love Easter. It is incredibly sacred to me.
Maybe this is a hot take, but I prefer these quiet Easters to big church services. I love seeing all the little kids dressed up, I love the tradition of it all, but I actually used to dread going to church on Easter Sunday. Because it’s so crowded!
To me, Easter is a holiday you experience in your heart. Holy Week is meant to be felt. During these times, I like space and peace for thoughts and prayer. I want to feel close to Christ.
All I need is my little family, love and Jesus.
To be clear — this is just what Easter means to ME. Not a directive or commentary on how Easter should be spent. It’s just how I have found to prefer Easter. I think everyone should have their own preferences!
But if you’re “stuck” at home again this year because of the pandemic, try to look at your situation a little differently — maybe this Easter you could use a little space for a more prayerful Holy Week? Maybe a relaxing Easter Sunday could be a blessing?
Thank you for reading along with our Easter devotional series this year!