I’m Still Devoted: Holy Week 2024
Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog written by Devotional Diva’s very own founder, Renee Fisher (@reneefisherauthor). I’m so happy and thankful she felt this devotional on her heart and wanted to share it with us here on Devotional Diva for Easter. I have even more encouraging content coming up for y’all this spring. In the meantime, be sure to check out @therealdevotionaldiva account on Instagram to get caught up on the Scripture Gardening inspiration + devotional prompts I’ve been posting. Happy Easter. He is Risen. So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.”…
An Empty Easter (Renee Returns!)
Editor’s Note: An Empty Easter is Founder Renee Fisher’s return! Thank you Renee for this guest post! Remember, Divas, submissions are open INDEFINITELY 🙂 “Then he was afraid, and he arose and ran for his life…and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, ‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.’” 1 Kings 19:3-4 ESV Elijah didn’t have the strength or the patience to continue. He thought his life was over. So he ran to an empty cave and asked God to die. “God has a different read on the whole situation.…
What Easter Means to Me
“Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:15-16 I love a low-key Easter. I’m all about spending the day at home, opening baskets, doing an egg hunt indoors right away, and tuning into a service on livestream…in pajamas. Maybe we’ll have quick cinnamon rolls or monkey bread — when I was little my mom always made us little sausages for breakfast on Easter. We’ll get dressed eventually, and play with our new Easter stuff. Maybe get the kids dressed up cute for…
After Death Comes Life
I launched Devotional Diva as a single person in 2009 under the name Renee Johnson. It was my dream to use that platform to get noticed and become a published author. God knew. A few months later, NavPress signed me for my first book, Faithbook of Jesus, a 365-daily devotional. It released one year later while the ink was drying on the trademark I purchased for Devotional Diva. Talk about a whirlwind. I experienced tremendous growth as an author those first few years as well as personal. My first book sold so well that NavPress signed me for another book. Then the economy tanked. It was a God-sized miracle that Harvest House signed me for…
Remember Me
“Drink this… and remember me.” Jesus’ eyes brimmed with tears as he extended the cuptowards John. It trembled in his hand. A drop spilled down the side. Oh don’t worry, we won’t! Especially me. I’m your best friend! Or what about Peter? 2000 years later, a pastor raises his grape juice and says with a smile, “Today we rememberJesus…” But I do, Jesus. It’s been my focus all year long. I’ll admit, I’ve skipped prayer or bible study a few times. I’ve been far from perfect. But I remembered, didn’t I? Who could forget? John was there when the earth shook violently in a cry of grief as its Maker…
The Cleansing of Easter
Editor’s note: This is the first story in our Easter devotional series. Enjoy! One Easter holiday, the message of Jesus’ cleansing power was clearly put on my heart. My youngest daughter was two years old at the time, and my girls and I were excitedly coloring Easter eggs for our family Easter egg hunt the following day. Suddenly, I noticed an egg dye tablet was missing from the package. Where was it? Sophia? Everyone has one child that is more likely than the others to find and make mischief; Sophia is mine. I opened her mouth, squeezed her adorable chubby cheeks and found yep, a yellow mouth! Sophia…