He is Risen, and So Are We!
[Guest post by Debbie Harris: I’m so happy to have more poetry on Devotional Diva today for you! Thanks, Debbie!]
He is risen.
And so are we.
And so
we rise
and rise
and rise
and rise!
Ahhh such
a wondrous,
doctrinal gem
that if dwelt upon
as we go through
out our days has
us living in the
majestic throne room
of our God perpetually.
He is dwelling in us,
King of Kings and
Lord of Lords.
And we are ever
so humbly,
so gratefully,
dwelling in Him.
And so we, as
sons and daughters
of the Heavenly
King of Kings
and Lord of Lords,
gloriously rise
through our
triune God’s
resurrection power.
And so we will
and can and
indeed should rise
in the midst of
joy, blessing,
pain, or sorrow.
And so indeed.
we do rise!
For He is risen.
And so are we.
For Christ is
our ever-rising
light and glory-filled
multi-colored sunrise
of victorious, jubilant hope
through all our days and
throughout all eternity
as we will one day
joyously reign with Him.
For He is risen.
And so are we!
And so precious
church of Jesus Christ
with every step may
our hearts in gratitude
worship, adoration
and praise ceaselessly
and triumphantly say,
“He is risen.
And so I rise.”
Even though
we are all still
in our dusty
earthly state by
His beautiful grace
we rise from
glory to glory.”
Oh the blessed,
jubilant hope
we have in
Jesus Christ
our resurrected,
living Lord.
May we all boldly
and unashamedly
rehearse in our hearts
over and over again
this magnificent
doctrinal gem,
because of
Jesus Christ,
our risen Lord
we rise,
we rise,
and we rise
from glory ,
to glory,
to glory!
Amen, amen,
and Amen!
Debbie Harris is a poet, counselor, performer, and passionate Bible Student. She is the author of two poetry books, Which Church Am I? and 365 Christ Centered Contemplative Poems (to be published in 2015.) Her passion is to further the kingdom of Jesus Christ through Christian poetry. Please drop by and visit her on her daily blog. http://dharrisdevotionals.wordpress.com
photo credit: Maui_2012 – 469 via photopin (license)