Surrendered Dreams
[Guest Post by Rayni Peavy – I am so glad I met Rayni two years ago at the San Diego Christian Writer’s Guild. I have seen her blossom in her writing and in life. It’s so neat that she choose to share about surrendered dreams, because we don’t always see or meet a person when they’re in the season of waiting. May her story encourage you to hang in there and keep dreaming even when you can’t see anything!]
I’m just like you. I have a dream. Many dreams, in fact.
There are things that I long to accomplish because they make my heart sing. And there are prophecies spoken over my life about plans I believe God has for me in the future.
Now that I’m in my mid-thirties some of my earlier life dreams have already happened. Like going to a certain college, working in full-time ministry, marrying my wonderful husband, and getting to be a homemaker and writer.
There are other dreams that I am incredibly excited about that have not yet come to fruition.
Some of these dreams are very specific and others are deep cries in my heart that I have not been fully able to put into words. Either way, I’m excited to see how God unfolds it all.
I’m learning how to give God my surrendered dreams.
Not because I don’t want the dream.
I do!
But I need to hold it with open hands and let God be in control of it. Because if I’m in control I will more than likely run with my own wisdom or my own timing and screw things up.
We all know what happens when we try to take charge of making a dream or a promise from God happen–thanks for the lesson Abraham & Sarah–so I want to be intentional about walking in a constant state of surrender to God.
There are even times when I’ve had to let go of a dream and let it seemingly die.
Several years ago I had to do that with writing. Although I had a passion for writing my outlook about it became more me-centered than God-centered. So I had to surrender it to God and let it all go for awhile. I needed to re-focus on God rather than on my dream. During that time I read these words from Jesus:
“I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.” John 12:24 AMP
Jesus is talking about sacrificing His life but as I read it I couldn’t help but also think about my surrendered dreams of writing being like a tiny grain buried and dead beneath the soil. Would it be under that soil forever? In the right time however, God’s timing, He allowed my buried dream to sprout and grow, bringing a harvest with it.
One of the roadblocks to a bountifully sprouting harvest is spending too much time focusing on the past.
We all have hurts, regrets and negative experiences from our past that can keep us a prisoner if left undealt with. Unhealthy coping skills, believing lies about ourselves or even romanticizing the good old days can also steal our present and future.
I encourage you to get the help you need to work through wounds from your past.
I have gone to many counseling and prayer sessions where God has met me and set me free. This frees me up even more to actually live out the dreams God has placed in my heart.
Another roadblock can be focusing too much on the future.
God often not only gives us a specific dream for the future but also leads us to do practical things now that prepare us for where He’s taking us. Do what He shows you to do, but also be mindful of not squandering what God has given you for today because you’re spending too much time daydreaming about the future.
Remember that God wants to fellowship with you and use you to love others today.
Right now.
Even when I’m working through past issues and doing things to prepare for the future, it’s important to be intentional about living in the now!
Let God interrupt your daily schedule with ministry opportunities even as you pursue your surrendered dreams.
Over the past 15 years Rayni has discovered that nothing is better than knowing Jesus! She has enjoyed working at churches on the East and West Coasts as a Bible teacher, mentor to young adults and an event coordinator. In her free time Rayni likes staring at the ocean, exploring new cuisine with her “foodie” husband and learning to speak French. You can read more on her website and follow her on Twitter.