• Faith,  Relationships

    Couples Therapy

    [Guest Post by Angela McNeil – I have had the privilege of getting together with her a few times. She’s taken our family portraits, headshots of mine, and of course her daily dose of sarcasm on her Facebook status’. What I appreciate most about my friend Angela, is she’s never afraid to be honest about her past. If you have ever been in an abusive relationship, I hope you will be encouraged by her story.] You mean not all relationships are like this? When I was in High School 1993-1994 my father worked for a software company that was on the Online community craze, like AOL chat rooms and IMing.…

  • Devotionals

    Do Your Thing

    [Guest Post by Laura L. Smith – We happen to share the same literary agent, Amanda Luedeke with MacGregor Literary Agency. She is a fiction writer for young adults and wanted to share some encouragement with you on how to dream and do your thing!] Last summer, while checking into our hotel in Dresden, Germany I had the treat of meeting soccer legend, Brandi Chastain. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail was wearing a T-shirt, athletic shorts and cleats. She was kicking a pink Nike soccer ball in the hotel lobby. Yes, in the lobby. She is the woman known for kicking the winning penalty kick for the…

  • Devotionals

    Dreams Change

    [Guest Post by Shannon Roy – I met her through StartMarriageRight.com an amazing site for building godly relationships. She and I have stayed in close contact ever since, and I can’t wait to meet her in person when I travel to Chicago later on this year. Also, I am excited for her and her upcoming marriage!!] A riddle for you to ponder: What is better than experiencing your greatest dream come true? Before–my answer would be a “few” dreams, but dreams change. The clouds darkened overhead the bright green fields spread out before us. Our SUV radio buzzed as we listened to the coordinates of the brewing storm. Our entourage…

  • Devotionals

    Surrendered Dreams

    [Guest Post by Rayni Peavy – I am so glad I met Rayni two years ago at the San Diego Christian Writer’s Guild. I have seen her blossom in her writing and in life. It’s so neat that she choose to share about surrendered dreams, because we don’t always see or meet a person when they’re in the season of waiting. May her story encourage you to hang in there and keep dreaming even when you can’t see anything!] I’m just like you. I have a dream. Many dreams, in fact. There are things that I long to accomplish because they make my heart sing. And there are prophecies spoken…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    New Theme for April: Pursuing Dreams

    This April I am introducing a new theme on pursuing dreams. When I was in my early 20’s, I had a dream about my future. I was at a concert and I had a brochure of people’s pictures and where they would end up in 20 years based on the choices they were making today. I hoped to see my picture, and when I did I was immediately excited. In my picture, I saw that I was married and we had a daughter. I couldn’t wait for this dream to come true. I became very frustrated when the years 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 went by with no…

  • Health & Body

    5 Tips For Healthy Living

    [Monthly Columnist – Jaimie Bowman. I met Jaimie at the ReThink Conference. We were both volunteers who were eagle to serve and learn from others. We’ve since kept in touch and I’ve referred her to my former literary agent. I appreciate her feedback on how to stay healthy when it’s not something that comes easy for you. Enjoy!!] Eating healthy AND exercising don’t seem to co-exist well in my life. If I’m doing good in one area, I am struggling in the other.  If I eat really healthy one day, it’s like my mind says to my body, “Yay! Good for you! As your reward, you don’t have to work…

  • Relationships

    Becoming a Stay At Home Dad

    [Guest Post by Sonny Lemmons. One of the most humble and equally funny writers I’ve (never) met. Can’t wait to meet Sonny, an amazing stay at home dad/writer at Story Chicago Conference this Fall. I hope more people stop judging SAHD’s after reading this article.] I wish I could say that when Ashley and I got married there was a period of adjustment that was difficult. Because drama and tension always make great stories, right? I’d heard tales of horror from male friends who talked about the unbalanced selection of decorations in their now joint living situation (saying goodbye to exposed stereo wiring and unframed posters on the wall), the…

  • Faith,  Relationships

    Infatuation Makes Us Very Vulnerable

    [Guest Post by Gary Thomas. I’m very excited for him to share on the blog today as he is one of my heroes (he doesn’t know that yet). My husband Marc and I went through Sacred Marriage in our pre engagement counseling and believe in his message. He is also one of my upcoming speakers at Quarter Life Conference, a free online conference for the 20/30-somethings on Thursday. Register here for free.] Not only are you stupid when you’re infatuated, but you also become extremely vulnerable. I’m speaking as a pastor who has witnessed the tremendous pain that romanticism has led so many people into. Psychologically, “hearts broken from lost…

  • Devotionals,  Relationships

    Living Together: In Sickness And In Health

    [Monthly Columnist – Wendy van Eyck] – “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galations 6:2 (ESV)” My husband and I started living together on the 16th of April 2011. The same day that we stood in front of 30 friends and family, and promised to love and honour each other, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health. Moving in with my new husband, was great fun, and for us fairly easy. There were unexpected things: disagreements about whether the bathroom seat should be up or down, about where it was appropriate to cut toenails, and how the chairs should be arranged. Of…

  • Health & Body

    The Sirens of Anxiety

    [Guest Post by Abby Norman] – It feels like a siren, coming at you as you drive through your day. Maybe you are headed to work like you always are, listening to your favorite radio program, maybe it is the weekend, you are headed nowhere in particular but hope to land some place special. Maybe you are driving around and around your block because the baby in the back seat refuses to sleep any other way. It doesn’t really matter where you are driving, what you are doing. You hear the siren somewhere in the distance–and you wonder if it is coming for you. There are days when I am…