When the Fireworks Lost Their Sparkle
[Guest post by Nicole Bernard: We’re welcoming back Nicole today to share her perspective on how our sins hurt God.] The Fourth of July can be quite stressful…. at least that’s my experience as a mother to a rescue basset who suffers from anxiety issues. This year, while my husband, Steve, and three-year-old son, Carter, sat outside enjoying the fireworks, I remained inside with Lucy as she paced, panted, trembled, and occasionally lost control of her bladder (and worse). As I sat crouched on my knees near our living room window, scrubbing away at the carpet, a burst of light flashed, catching my eye. Turning my head, I was…
Friend, Do What You Came For
[Guest post by Jennifer McCollum: When Jennifer sent this piece to me, I just knew I had to use it for this day. The story of Jesus’ betrayal always makes me emotional, and I appreciate Jennifer sharing her story of betrayal.] I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. –Book of Timothy When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was desperate to stay alive. Full of “sorrow to the point of death,” he prayed for the bitter cup of crucifixion to pass from him. He begged his disciples to stay with Him. But,…
A Story of Rediscovery
[Guest post by Erin Marie Shell: This is a story of God’s love, a story of heartbreak and a story of rediscovery. Thanks for sharing, Erin!] Exhausted after a full day of work, I arrived home late one night, opened the front door, and entered the darkness. As I walked into the house, my heels clicked on the floor, greeting me with a very loud, unfamiliar echo. Without turning on the lights, I began to realize what had happened. After 11 years of marriage, he had moved out. The shock of an empty house left me reeling in confusion. I was exhausted with life, exhausted with familiar feeling of not being…
You've Got a Plan
[Guest post by Karsyn Robb: Karsyn contacted me to share her beautiful song “You’ve Got a Plan,” and I was so excited to have a musical submission! Below is the story behind the song, followed by the video. Enjoy!] At the end of my freshman year of college, two fellow students attempted to sexually assault me on my university’s campus. I was fortunate enough to be able to get away, but the trauma from that night nearly destroyed me. For five months I kept what had happened a secret because I was terrified of how people would react once they found out. It didn’t take long before the stress…
Letting Go
I recently let go of something that was really, really bugging me. Sometimes, I hang onto issues that are bothering me until something happens that makes me get pretty angry. And then, because I hate being angry and upset…I’m just able let go. And it’s the sweetest feeling. There’s nothing sweeter than letting go. →M
Surrender Displayed
[Guest post by Jennifer Kelly: I love Jennifer’s vibrancy for spreading God’s grace. This is her story about salvation, forgiveness and most importantly, Jesus.] I love it when other women share their personal stories of overcoming grief and pain and forgiveness. It’s like receiving a precious gift when you least expect it. When you stumble upon a story of hope in the midst of hopelessness, healing amidst the pain, or love for the unlovable, it moves you. I grab onto stories of life found in the desert, and bury them into my soul. In a world where brokenness, selfishness, and evil turn up on every street corner, I am need of…
When Church Hurts
[Guest Post by Lori Tisdale – We know each other through mutual friends nearby, and she asked me to share my story on her blog — I had to host her here! If any of you have stepped foot in the church, you’ll understand what it means to be hurt. But. It’s what we do with our hurt that matters. Please welcome Lori!] I was the first born of a new pastor and his young bride. For the most part, I was a very well-behaved preacher’s kid — the teacher’s pet, a devout Missionnette (the church’s version of a Girl Scout). I led the on-campus High School Bible Study, taught…
I lost more than a marriage
[Guest Post by Kathy Moore – I have been walking alongside my friend through her separation, and then divorce. It has been especially hard to watch as the gossip train has started, and doesn’t seem to stop. If you are a “Christian” who knows others who have been destroyed by gossip, please forward this to them. If you are one of them — be encouraged by my friend Kathy’s story today.] I am divorced. Out of obedience to the Lord, I have been silent to share my story — until now. Due to continuing gossip, I have felt the Lord’s prompting to speak truth. Matthew 5:13-14 reminds me as…
Playing The Jesus Card
[Guest Post by Jenifer Jernigan – Like all authors meet, we met through social media. I love her vulnerability, her voice, and the desperation behind her story. I am honored for Jenifer to share her story, and if you, like her, have felt like taking your life–you are not alone! I know her story is long but please read the whole thing. You will be blessed!] The summer months found me serving as a youth intern in a local church, teaching, ministering, and loving on kids who became an important part of my life. The fall semester ushered in months of studying through the Psalms in my Old Testament class…
When Your World Comes Crashing Down
[Guest Post by Rochelle Frazier – I met her through the Top 10 Blogs for Christian Women post I compiled. She was nominated for the list, and when I looked at her blog–I knew I had to have her share! For anyone who has seen their picture perfect like come crashing down, this is for you today. Be encouraged! You are not alone.] Is it possible to arrive at the place where you stop asking, “Is there more? Should I be more?” Is it possible that your restless heart could actually find rest right where you are? Satisfied? I dare to say “Yes!” I don’t have the story of overcoming an…